Interlibrary loan


Interlibrary loan service provides to the users of the Library the opportunity to borrow material which is not included in its collection.

Interlibrary loan rights

All the registered library users which are members of the academic community of the Campus 1 Library of the University of West Attica (students, educational, administrative and technical staff have interlibrary loan rights.

Material that can be requested

Library users have the right to order books from other greek academic libraries in case where the books do not exist in the Campus 1 Library of the University of West Attica. For this reason, before they proceed to the order, they must check carefully the Library Catalog (OPAC) and its electronic sources for material which probably already exists in the library. In case where the searched material is not included in the library collection, they search it to all the Greek Academic Institutions and their libraries through the Union Catalog of the Hellenic Academic Libraries. Then they fill in the interlibrary loan application form and they send it electronically ( to the responsible librarian (Despoina Fyntanoglou).

Reception of the material 

The time of reception of the material depends on its kind and way of shipment and ranges from 2 to 30 days. Books are returned to the supplier library within the fixed date. Usually the interlibrary loan time of a book lasts until 21 days and the users may request up to three books each time, unless the interlibrary loan policy of the supplier libray defines differently. Also, according to the same policy, interlibrary loan can be extended. Photocopies are not returned. Library users can receive the books either in person, or through courier by undertaking in the last case the cost of shipment of the material.

Service cost

Library does not charge the service. Charges that burden the users relate to either the shipment of the material or are charges of the suppliers (libraries or networks).

Users’ obligations

Users have to know the terms of use of the service, to cover the cost of the service, to fill in correctly and fully the bibliographic data of their requests and to adhere to copyright protection. The terms of the loaning and the use of the material are defined by supplier libraries and services. The material must be returned timely and in the received condition to the library personnel within its opening hours and days.

The users of the service also must use the material for study and research and in general as the copyright laws define (Laws 2121/1993, 2819/1999, 3049/2002, 3057/2002).

For more information you may contact with the librarian Despoina Fyntanoglou, (phone no. 2105385133).

At last, for information about the libraries that are members in the interlibrary loan network of the Greek Academic Libraries click here.